Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I'm still testing out the pictures! Facebook ended up being a disaster... so this is going to have to do. This is me and Kaitlyn, a girl in my group who is from Australia, on one of the islands off of the coast of Sihanoukville. Kaitlyn is really sweet. This was a big day... lots of snorkling and hanging out on the beach. What a life! Please notice the frolicking couple ini the background... I didn't know they were there :).
Me with one of the many statues outside of the temples of Angkor Wat. I decided to cuddle up to one and give him some loving (Sorry Jake).

This picture was taken the day that we visited Angkor Wat. This is the sunrise coming up over the temple. The temple is in the left corner... those three towers. The temples were aboslutely amazing... I wish that I could post all of my pictures up but it's just too slow. I'll be on here for years!

We took a tiny boat out to the floating village outside Siem Reap. I believe that I wrote abou tit earlier. This is what a standard house looks like. They just jump off of their deck into the water. We saw one guy taking a bath in there. And another one emptying out his toilet stuff...

This is still at the orhanage... these two girls were so cute. They hung around me most of the time we were there. We brought bananas with us when we came, so they were loving those. The girl that I'm closest to learned how to high five... and right when you were about to high five her back she would pull her hand away and punch you in the stomach. Haha it doesn't sound cute, but it was a big hit. She kept trying to get us over and over... but we caught on (eventually).

This is going to have to do for now. I'll try and and post some more up soon! I love and miss you all!


culater said...

Great pictures! Love to see where you are and that you are looking happy and healthy. You know you won't have to worry about us getting on facebook...just not our thing. I'm jealous of that warm tropical water!

Lauren @The Little Things We Do.... said...

i LOVE the picture of the floating village. i told craig it's national geographic good :). i'm glad you put up pictures, i've been dying to see some!