Sunday, October 19, 2008

I made it!

I wanted to check in really quick with you guys and let you know that I made it safely into Bangkok! I have another 24 hours until I am meeting my group... so for now I'm just trying to sleep off the jet lag and figure out how to navigate Bangkok. It's so funny... I ask people simple little questions and they just kind of stare at me, and then start laughing. Then I start laughing because I know I must look ridiculous trying to mimic "spoon" because they don't understand what I'm saying. I've had about 6 hours of daylight... so I ventured out into the city (ok... down the street) to find the local 7 Eleven and grab some little necessities. That was an eye opener itself- people everywhere on the streets and little motor bikes that aren't afraid to drive about a foot from you. It looks so hectic from my perspective, but the drivers seem like they know how to work the roads! My taxi driver from the airport would pass people by straddling the lane lines- coming so close to the car, and then passing back into the lane. And that's what everyone does. I swear, half of the time all the cars are just stradling the lane lines rather than driving in the lane. At one point, the speed was 40km... my taxi driver decided 110 would do. Haha!

That's pretty much all I've been up to so far... I'm catching little glimses of Bangkok in between random naps. But I'm sure I'll even out my sleep schedule soon. I love you all and I can't wait to see you soon! Only 52 days or something... whew! Eat a bowl of Honey Bunches of Oats for me... that's sounds wonderful right now... :)


Missionite said...

The first to comment is the one who loves you the most! Those taxi rides are real comforting to read about (sarcasm). It sounds like an adventure though bubba. Soak it up and come home soon love.

culater said...

Wow, sounds like a crazy transportation system. Makes me want to see it. Enjoy.

Claire da Bear said...

Casey Wasey!

So glad to hear that you're there.

Lauren @The Little Things We Do.... said...

3rd World drivers are truly crazy. that's how the matatu drivers in Kenya drove. i'm glad you survived the ride, and i'll be praying for you! love you!